Golden apple (june plum) – fresh and frozen


Mature golden apple are roughly the size of an egg.

Whilst green, they have crunchy flesh which is a little sour. Once they’ve ripened and turned yellow, the juicy golden flesh has a pineapple-mango aroma and flavour. They’re sweet, with a hint of acidity.

It’s common for the skin of golden apples to be rough and blemished.

In many parts of the world, the green fruit are used in raw salads like som tam in Thailand and rojak in Malaysia and also eaten as a snack, after being dipped into fish sauce, salt or shrimp paste.

Golden apple juice, which can be made from green or yellow fruits, is popular in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. It’s mixed with water, and sugar or salt to taste. Sometimes dried sour or salted plums are added to the juice.

The leaves of the golden apple tree are used as seasoning and in salads.

Golden apple from the Caribbean are larger and will usually ripen to a sweet flavour and golden yellow colour. They can be eaten fresh out of hand or used to make sweeter juice.

The golden apple from Asia are smaller, harvested when very young and unripe. They can be used for pickling, adding to salads and to make sour juice but they won’t usually ripen.


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