Ramontchi – frozen


Ramontchi is highly nutritious and the fruit, leaves and bark have many uses in traditonal medicine. Ramonthi grow on a flowering plant native to much of Africa and tropical and temperate parts of Asia. Its seeds are heavily distributed by birds resulting in a very wide distribution of the species. Growth in private gardens is limited due to extensive spikes and thorns, homeowners opting for fruits which are easier to harvest.

The small round fruits are up to an inch in diamater and ripen from red to purple. They have juicy dence flesh, with a similar flavour to to an english plum but slightly less juicy. Therer are usually 3 to 10 small seeds per fruit. The pulp is yellow to orange and sweet when fully ripe but with an acidic tang if eaten before maturity. Prior to eating, fruits are massaged to soften the flesh, then consumed whole or by squeezing the flesh out.


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